Step into our world of untold stories and eclectic subcultures, where we blend genres and defy expectations with our visually captivating films.

Oklahoma 2050 is not just a documentary, but a visual poem by Tiasia O’Brien. It uniquely documents the future of Oklahoma's All-Black towns, not through a lens of struggle, but through the lens of Black joy and imagination.

Guided by the voice of Oklahoma's community and residents, it is visualized through Afrofutrisitc animation, narrated by a well-known activist and advocate, and interpreted by a Filmmaker and Sociologist. Oklahoma 2050 tells the Afrofuturistic tale of what could be and what could exist when Black people dream.

Screenings will begin in Fall 2024.

Oklahoma 2050.

[Film Shot & Mastered in 4k, Black Magic].

Black Rose is a dark love story, following two characters, Goddess & Thomas. After meeting they cause a major turning point in one another's lives. Through their passionate obsession, we witness their lives intertwine and subsequently dismantle, reminding us that love can be the darkest, yet most beautiful experience in life.

Coming to VOD June 1, 2024.

Black Rose.